We use a multidimensional approach for program delivery and impact
Germin is a non-governmental organization that uses technology and virtual channels to connect and engage Diaspora in advancing the development and democratization of their home countries or countries of origin. Germin is run and supported by a group of Diaspora professionals ranging from the field of public policy, finance, information, technology, law, education, security and diplomacy. Germin has a wide network of professionals and part-time collaborators, residing in 24 countries.
The “Diaspora Flet” Conference, as the name suggests, aims to empower diaspora members by providing them with a platform to voice their opinions. The conference brings together a diverse range of individuals, including industry professionals, businesses, community leaders, activists, and experts from across the world, to reflect on the past years of engagement, and envision its role in relation with origin countries in the coming two decades.
OriginAL is a program that provides an educational and cultural tour for the Albanian Diaspora Young Adults to their countries of origin. The dream of OriginAL is to provide a unique and life-changing experience for Albanian youth that will take them on a fascinating journey to the homelands and inspire them to be a part of a Global Albanian community.
Dive into our published works and drop us a line with what you think!
Germin is of Latin origin meaning ‘to grow, to prosper’. The term has been used in many settings throughout its rich background of historical and linguistic contexts, continuously underlining the importance that change has had in the advancement of societies. Making use of the latter, our organization aims to establish a solid foundation on which Albanians will eventually build the right walls on, for the betterment of their homelands.
Become a MemberOur team is composed of movers and shakers committed to delivering impactful social interventions
Kingsley Aikins, Chief Executive Officer at The Networking Institute
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