GERMIN calls all interested entities or individuals to submit their proposals for the request for offers for trainers with the aim to equip municipal officials with the necessary skills and knowledge to attract diaspora direct investments through competitive investment projects.
In March 2023, GERMIN signed a cooperation agreement with Caritas Switzerland in Kosovo within the Municipal Action for Reintegration and Diaspora – MARDI project. GERMIN is implementing the “Diaspora’s know-how and financial capital are utilized for the economic development of Kosovo municipalities” component within the MARDI project which will be implemented over three years throughout Kosovo, and also includes two other components: Capacity Building for Municipalities and Supporting the Needs of Migrants and their Integration in the country. The project’s overall objective is to use the Diaspora’s know-how and financial capital to instigate and drive economic change and development in Kosovar municipalities. The expected results of the project include promoting Kosovar businesses abroad with a specific focus on the diaspora community, generating Diaspora investments through attractive competitive investment projects, and facilitating the dialogue between the Diaspora community and Kosovo institutions.
Nature of the Consultancy: GERMIN intends to conduct a two day training and a three day workshop with municipal officials which would prepare them to generate diaspora investments through attractive competitive investment projects. Training will be theoretically oriented to strengthen the capacities to conceptualize and draft investment projects for municipal officials, while the workshop will be conducted to support municipal officials in developing concrete project proposals for investment projects. The main topics of the training and workshops and possible project examples must be explicitly connected to local governance and the mandate of municipalities in Kosovo. GERMIN seeks to contract a service provider/s to deliver the two-day training and the three day workshop with municipal officials with a developed curricula for the activity. Under the overall supervision of the Project Manager, the successful service provider will have to implement the below-mentioned tasks and deliverables.
Tasks to be performed under this service contract:
- Conduct the two-day training and the three day workshop for the municipal officials in-person;
- Develop training materials such as presentations, handouts, case studies, and exercises that support the training curriculum;
- Provide mentoring and coaching to the municipal officials to support them in developing investment projects that are attractive and competitive to diaspora investors. This could involve providing feedback on project proposals, reviewing project budgets, and helping officials to develop effective communication strategies for engaging with potential investors;
- Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the training program through participant feedback, post-training evaluations, and tracking the progress of the municipal officials in developing investment projects;
- Provide follow-up support to the municipal officials after the training. This could involve answering questions, and providing additional resources;
- The contractor is expected to propose an adequate methodology to engage workshop participants and implement the training.
Application and required documents:
All applications should be submitted to [email protected] with the subject: RFO_Training and Workshop for Municipal Staff. The latest date for submitting the applications is 13 April 2022.
The following documents should be submitted for the application to be eligible and further considered:
- CV of the trainer/s;
- Professional portfolio;
- Implementation plan of the activity;
- Financial offer in accordance with the total working days requested (section 4 of this ToR) and tasks);
- Proof of eligibility to work in Kosovo (business registration certificate for companies, Fiscal number for individuals);
- At least two references from previous employers/contracting companies;
- Certification that there is no obligation from the Tax Administration of Kosovo.
The service delivery will occur during April-May 2023.
For more information, please read the full ToR document HERE.If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].