GERMIN ist eine Nichtregierungsorganisation, die Technologie und virtuelle Kanäle einsetzt, um die Diaspora zu vereinen und sie in die Förderung der Entwicklung und Demokratisierung ihrer Heimatländer einzubinden. Sie entstand 2011 als informelle Gruppe, die nach einer Möglichkeit suchte, sich mit dem Heimatland zu verbinden, und wurde schließlich 2014 formell gegründet. GERMIN wird von einer Gruppe von Experten der Diaspora geleitet und unterstützt, die in den Fachbereichen der Öffentlichen Ordnung, des Finanzwesens, der Informationen, der Technologie, des Rechts, der Bildung, der Sicherheit und der Diplomatie tätig sind. Wir verfügen über ein breites Netzwerk von Fachkräften und Teilzeitmitarbeitern, die derzeit in 24 Ländern ansässig sind, darunter auf dem Balkan, in Westeuropa und Nordamerika.
The word ‘Germin’ is of Latin origin meaning ‘to grow, to prosper’. Making use of the latter, our organization aims to establish a solid foundation on which Albanians will eventually build its right walls on, for the betterment of their homelands.
Unser Netzwerk ist unser Gewinn/ Mehrwert!
"Germin im Kosovo ist ein wirklich gutes Beispiel für die Art von Organisation, die perfekt in der Lage ist, den Braindrain in ´Brain Gain` und ´Brain Exchange` zu verwandeln. Zusammengesetzt aus talentierten und leidenschaftlichen Fachkräften, die das Potenzial erforscht und bedeutende Kosovaren im Ausland aufgespürt haben, schufen sie die Bausteine und Strukturen, um Gefühle und guten Willen in praktische Projekte umzusetzen, die ihrem Heimatland zu Gute kommen werden. Germin hat globale Erfolgsmethoden (Best-practice Beispiele) für das Engagement der Diaspora erarbeitet und könnte auf diesem Gebiet eine der führenden Kräfte werden“
26 NOV, 2018"I have been engaged ever since the early days of Germin on advisory role capacity and this journey with Germin has reawakened my love and connection with Kosova. Apart from that it has presented me with an opportunity to meet some truly inspiring changemakers that I continue working to this day."
17.06.2020"The human, social, political and educational resources of the Albanian Diaspora, especially in German speaking countries were never seen as a possibility to promote the new Republic of Kosovo. Their identification with their birth country or country of heritage finds their main platform in the “Diaspora flet” conference where they were the main actor and created sustainably networking and topics for the conference that still today are topics in the social conversation in the country. As Chairman of an Association in Germany we have now a cooperation partner on the “ground” to every topic. Germin is doing such great work in the fight for the right of Vote, for Human Aid Action and for Policy for the Diaspora rights in all areas."
30 DEC, 2018
"GERMIN has fast emerged as an exemplar diaspora organization. Through their creative, fresh and innovative approaches, they have created structures and systems of diaspora engagement that will be formative processes for the diaspora sector for the foreseeable future.
Every country working on diaspora needs a GERMIN as their models of work have answered one of the age-old questions of diaspora engagement by building trust through their authenticity of work. I have no doubt their expertise and models will be exported globally very soon.
I have had the pleasure of seeing GERMIN grow from pretty much a blank canvas to a leading light for its peers on diaspora work. After spending time with their incredible team, at both an executive and operational level, the future is bright for GERMIN.
The energies and expertise that flow through their team, which represents the inherent diversity required for effective impact in the networked 21st century, are a constant source of inspiration for my work. They are just a brilliant bunch led by an ethos and value driven spirit fit for our times.
They are doing an incredible job for their region and partners so we should never take them for granted. Therefore, I encourage anyone reading this to support these incredible young people to achieve their aspirations through this incredible organization."
"All countries can benefit greatly from their diasporas, especially in today’s world, which is so well connected thanks to advancements in technology. The Albanian diaspora has proved throughout history that it is able to make a significant impact in its homeland in many aspects. Being able to use the diaspora potential for the specific needs of a developing homeland is key and Germin has shown that it is able to do this successfully by connecting with the Albanian diaspora and by creating and running excellent projects. With its efficient and vibrant staff Germin is a model for other organisations wishing to work in the diaspora field."
26 NOV, 2018"Such schools help to share a lot of positivity and encourage youth to work on their biggest potential."
26 NOV, 2018"It’s fun and interesting to be part of the group with so much expertise, knowledge, education and enthusiasm. And I think this a good starting point for a better future."
26 NOV, 2018"I had never thought that Kosovo has so much potential to grow. This Diaspora school proved it."
26 NOV, 2018Unser Team besteht aus Machern und Entscheidungsträgern, die entschlossen sind, wirkungsvolle soziale Interventionen durchzuführen.
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