Shkurt 16, 2023


Nga Germin-858 Shikime-Asnjë koment

Position: Project Manager (Full-time)

Application Deadline: February 26, 2023

Preferable starting Date: immediately 

Location: GERMIN office in Prishtina, Kosovo

Engagement period: March – May 2023, with the possibility of an extension


GERMIN is looking for someone with proven experience in project management, critical thinking skills, and experience in using technology for development. Experience with diaspora and migrant communities would be highly valued.

GERMIN është organizatë joqeveritare, parimet dhe idealet thelbësore të së cilës bazohen në besimin se diaspora shqiptare duhet të luajë një rol të gjerë dhe proaktiv në zhvillimin pozitiv të të gjitha vendeve të Ballkanit ku jetojnë shqiptarët. Vizioni i GERMIN është të udhëheqë inovacionin social që fuqizon komunitetet jashtë dhe brenda vendit për të bashkë-krijuar të ardhmen e vendlindjeve tona. GERMIN parashikohet si një qendër e diasporës, ku sipërmarrësit, inovatorët, donatorët, filantropët dhe lidhësit gjejnë vendin dhe mënyrat e tyre për të punuar së bashku.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Assist in engaging the diaspora community in all project components
  • Manage communication & relationship with project stakeholders 
  • Perform organizational tasks in planning, delivering, and monitoring project activities
  • Maintain accurate and timely records of all activities and draft reports on project implementation progress
  • Organize meetings and prepare follow-ups 
  • Monitor budget and help ensure resources are used efficiently 
  • Assist in collecting and analyzing data
  • Prepare necessary information for marketing purposes for the project 
  • Complete any necessary administrative tasks

Required qualifications & skills:

  • Bachelor’s degree in social sciences, or an area related to GERMIN`s work
  • At least two (2) years of experience in a similar role and industry
  • English language proficiency
  • Able to work independently with little supervision
  • Collaborative working style and team-player attitude
  • Able to thrive in a high-volume, deadline-driven work environment
  • Great communication & writing skills 
  • Great organizational skills and ability to prioritize tasks
  • Excellent computer skills, including experience with Microsoft Office Suite, especially Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
  • Keen attention to detail and an aptitude for problem-solving

Interested candidates should submit their CVs and a cover letter by February 26, 2023, to [email protected] with the subject “Project Manager”.