This study is a part of the project “Matching Diaspora Experts with Institutional Needs at Home”, which is implemented by Germin with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). The project aims to increase the engagement of diaspora professionals in home countries, and create opportunities for know-how and skills transfer. The population of interest includes professionals from different fields who are part of the Kosovo and Albanian diaspora residing abroad, especially those from Germany.
The study aims to assess the perceptions about circular migration and the professional engagement of the Albanian Diaspora professionals. Throughout the desk research, the topic of emigration contextualized by bringing a historical background of the evolution of Albanian Diaspora, in particular, that of Kosovo and Albania. This part analyzes how the different waves of migration have influenced the creation of diaspora communities and their strong ties with the home countries – countries of origin. The latter is evidenced not only by the historical economic, political, and social contribution but also by the readiness to develop circular migration. Results from this report show that a majority of respondents are ready and committed to offering their contribution to the country of origin. The report also provides a detailed summary of the key findings from the survey with 921 respondents of Albanian Diaspora on the same topic, conducted in the second part of January 2020. Findings from the survey are presented in two main sections:
(1) General Characteristics and Demographics of the Respondents, as well as their Educational and Professional Background; and
(2) Perceptions on Diaspora Professional Engagement; Potential Future Engagement at the Countries of Origin; and Perceptions on Germin’s initiative and Future Commitment.
5 recommendations are given for policy and decision-makers and other stakeholders to increase the engagement of the diaspora in terms of circular migration:
(1) Get to know the Albanian diaspora professionals; map, listen and understand;
(2) Empower the diaspora groups and organizations;
(3) Develop a multi-functional platform that connects diaspora professionals’ profiles with the public and private sector in the countries of origin;
(4) Create space for engagement of diaspora professionals in public institutions of Kosovo and Albania, which face a lack of advanced knowledge and skills in key sectors;
(5) Improve the coordination between different levels of governance and inter-state institutions, and increase the inclusiveness in the diaspora engagement process.