November 21, 2022

Regional Conference – Migration and Development

By Germin-6201 Views-No Comment

On 24 November 2022 in Prishtina, GERMIN will organize the Regional Conference on Migration & Development: Enhancing Regional Youth Mobility.

The conference will discuss the mobility and exchange opportunities of the Western Balkans Youth. The first generation of young regional fellows, part of this initiative, will present their experience and research findings on different topics connected to migration & development. The event aims to promote regional mobility opportunities and advocate for proper policies and mechanisms to tackle the negative effects of the emigration of youth from the region by enabling regional cooperation and mobility.

Over 40 participants and speakers from the region will join the conference, which also serves as a great networking platform.

The event is organized by GERMIN in partnership with @Centre for Support of Local and Regional Development (CeP) and @ESTIMA Association, funded by the “Support to Civil Society Regional Actions in the Western Balkans” a joint grant scheme of the Western Balkans Fund and European Union.