GERMIN during 2020
Date: 28/12/2020

Dear friends and partners of GERMIN,

At the end of each year, it is always good to make a summary of the year that we have left behind and at the same time to try and understand what lies ahead of us. At the same time, the end of the year is a moment of expressing our gratitude and appreciation to our partners, our community, and our friends all over the world.

2020, a challenging and demanding year is almost over. This year will go down in history as a difficult period for our common health, economy and shared values. But with so much work, dedication, discussions, dialogue and effort together with our partners, we were able to understand the signals of the time and respond swiftly. We managed to create the necessary preconditions for our work in this difficult year and the foundations of another year of uncertainty before us. For the challenges that await us, we need creative minds and reliable partners. All of us, as a community, and as individuals, must look for solutions not only for the present well-being but also for a sustainable future.

We wish you happy holidays and a relaxing time with your family and friends. May the New Year bring you good news, new opportunities and joy!

HERE you can read the summary of our main activities during 2020.

See you in 2021!

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