
Diaspora Investments

Diaspora investment is crucial for the development and growth of home countries. It is imperative to channel diaspora’s financial and human resources into productive investments in the home country, and this objective is at the heart of GERMIN’s work. Remittances from diaspora significantly impact the economic development of their home countries, but the mobilisation of their savings is necessary to channel them into productive investments. Through various activities and initiatives, GERMIN collaborates with local stakeholders and institutions to facilitate diaspora investments in the countries of origin. The goal is to generate income and employment at the local level through the promotion of local products, public-private partnerships, and market linkage activities, leveraging diaspora networks. GERMIN also connects local service providers with diaspora business partners to facilitate market linkages and increase diaspora participation in the economy. With these efforts, GERMIN aims to re-channel remittances and increase diaspora investment in the home country, ultimately contributing to sustainable development and integration of the countries of origin into the global economy.

GERMIN has implemented several projects to utilise diaspora investments to promote economic development in Kosovo. One example is the Municipal Action for Reintegration and Diaspora project, implemented in cooperation with Caritas Switzerland in Kosovo, which aimed to leverage the expertise and financial resources of the diaspora to drive economic growth in Kosovo’s municipalities. The Diaspora for Women Entrepreneurs project, with support from USAID Kosovo Compete Activity, provided mentorship and training for women entrepreneurs in Kosovo to enhance their position in the export market. Another project, in collaboration with the Innovation & Training Park Prizren (ITP), aimed to attract diaspora engagement in the private sector, vocational education and training institutions, as well as research and innovation activities. These projects demonstrate how GERMIN is working to harness the knowledge and financial capital of the diaspora to support sustainable development in Kosovo.