Nëntor 4, 2019

Open Vacancies at GERMIN!

Nga Germin-2247 Shikime-Asnjë koment

NGO: Germin (www.germin.org)

Pozita: Asistente e Projektit  

Project: Matching Diaspora Experts with Institutional Needs at Home

Afati i fundit për aplikim është 22 November 2019

Lokacioni Prishtinë, Kosovë


Prapavija: Germin është një organizatë joqeveritare, parimet dhe idealet themelore të së cilës bazohen në besimin se diaspora shqiptare duhet të luajë një rol të gjerë dhe proaktiv në zhvillimin dhe demokratizimin e vendeve të Ballkanit Perendimor.

The vision of GERMIN is to lead social innovation that empowers communities abroad and at home to co-create the future of our homeland countries. GERMIN is envisioned as a Diaspora Hub, where entrepreneurs, innovators, donors, and philanthropists and connectors find their place and ways to work together. Most importantly, we see GERMIN as a place where “make a change and innovative things will happen”.The organization has founded and managed the Kosovo Diaspora Initiative (www.kosovodiaspora.org), a crowdsourcing digital engagement and diplomacy platform that connects Kosovars abroad and leverages their networks and skills to contribute to the home country.  We are looking for someone that has proven project management, critical thinking, and analytical skills, technology for development experience. This position will have a duration of 6 months of work (November 2019 – April 2020). The qualified candidate will help Project Officer to plan, organize and manage stakeholders meetings, Diaspora meetings, etc.  

Tasks and Responsibility: The Project Assistant will be working directly in the following activities throughout his/her tenure at Germin: 

  • Organize assigned events in regards to venues booking, temporary staff recruitment, staff travel coordination and events’ material organization.
  • Search for event venues (hotels or conference centers) and negotiate prices for each assigned event;
  • Organize the travel planning and accommodation booking for all traveling staff members
  • Contributes to procurement process for office property, supplies and services;
  • Foresees needs, recommends solutions for improvement and conducts tendering procedures as needed
  • Monitors maintenance of the office equipment ensuring timely repairs when required
  • Prepares a database with all office equipment and refreshes regularly   
  • Prepares weekly reports for PO.

Kualifikimet dhe eksperienca e kërkuar: 

  • University degree in business administration, supply chain management or relevant field;
  • Effective writing and communication skills in Albanian and English is required;
  • Work experience as a Project Assistant for at least two (2) years;


All interested candidates should send their CV and a Letter of Motivation via email at [email protected] më së voni deri më 22 November 2019. When sending the application, please add the subject line: PROJECT ASSISTANT. Men and women are equally encouraged to apply for this position. Please note that only applicants that are shortlisted will be notified for an interview.


NGO: Germin (www.germin.org)

Pozita: Diaspora Consultant  

Project: Matching Diaspora Experts with Institutional Needs at Home

Application Deadline: 12 November 2019


Prapavija: Germin (germin.org) is a non-governmental organization that uses technology and virtual channels to connect and engage Diaspora in advancing the development and democratization of their home countries. We leverage Diaspora skills, knowledge and networks in our programming. We strive to explore and bring ICT channels to better facilitate and strengthen linkages between diaspora, citizens, and governments in Western Balkans. The organization has founded and managed the Kosovo Diaspora Initiative (www.kosovodiaspora.org), a crowdsourcing digital engagement and diplomacy platform that connects Kosovars abroad and leverages their networks and skills to contribute to the home country.  We are looking for someone that has proven project management, critical thinking, and analytical skills, technology for development experience. This position will have a duration of 10 days of work (15 November 2019 – 25 November 2019). The qualified candidate will help GERMIN with the inception phase for the project, including drafting of the methodology, design, and timeframe. Design the format of informational/networking events for identifying potential Diaspora experts that can be matched with key institutions in Kosovo and Albania.

Tasks and Responsibility: The Diaspora Consultant will be working directly in the following activities throughout his/her tenure at Germin: 

  • Prepare a detailed work plan for the six months of implementation together with the Project Director including a budget revision if necessary;
  • Design a format of mapping Kosovo and Albanian institutions, and work the branding details;
  • Support the team design the format of informational/networking events for identifying potential Diaspora experts that can be matched with key institutions in Kosovo and Albania; 
  • Develop evaluation plans for the achievement of the targets, milestones;
  • Identify significant Project Risks (possible barriers to successful project implementation and identified externalities that may reduce project effectiveness). Prepare a detailed risk management strategy;
  • Clarify the role and responsibility of partners for achieving the project outcomes by identifying possible linkages and coordination mechanisms between partners and project activities; 

Kualifikimet dhe eksperienca e kërkuar: 

  • University degree in public policy, marketing, economic development, health policy, software development and data management systems, or an area that is related to the project objectives;
  • Effective writing and communication skills in Albanian and English is required;
  • Work experience as a project manager and stakeholder engagement for at least three (3) years;


All interested candidates should send their CV via email at [email protected] më së voni deri më 12 November 2019. When sending the application, please add the subject line: DIASPORA CONSULTANT. Men and women are equally encouraged to apply for this position. Please note that only applicants that are shortlisted will be notified for an interview.



NGO: Germin (www.germin.org)

Pozita: Researcher – Diaspora Professionals Survey 

Project: Matching Diaspora Experts with Institutional Needs at Home

Afati i fundit për aplikim është 12 November 2019


Prapavija: Germin (germin.org) is a non-governmental organization that uses technology and virtual channels to connect and engage Diaspora in advancing the development and democratization of their home countries. We leverage Diaspora skills, knowledge and networks in our programming. We strive to explore and bring ICT channels to better facilitate and strengthen linkages between diaspora, citizens, and governments in Western Balkans. The organization has founded and managed the Kosovo Diaspora Initiative (www.kosovodiaspora.org), a crowdsourcing digital engagement and diplomacy platform that connects Kosovars abroad and leverages their networks and skills to contribute to the home country.  We are looking for someone that has proven project management, critical thinking, and analytical skills, technology for development experience. This position will have a duration of 20 days of work (15 November 2019 – 05 December 2019). The qualified candidate will help GERMIN to identify Diaspora Professionals and interview these professionals. 

Tasks and Responsibility: The Researcher will be working directly in the following activities throughout his/her tenure at Germin: 

  • Draft the  methodology, design, and timeframe for Professionals Survey;
  • Draft the questionnaire and Identify 150 Diaspora Professionals for the interviews
  • Coordinate and oversee field interventions for data collection through interviews
  • Prepare research training materials, tools and train research assistants on conducting research and data analysis
  • Prepare the analysis of the data and write the final report 
  • Design a PowerPoint Presentation with findings.

Kualifikimet dhe eksperienca e kërkuar: 

  • University degree in public policy, marketing, economic development, health policy, software development and data management systems, or an area that is related to the project objectives;
  • Effective writing and communication skills in Albanian and English is required;
  • Work experience as a researcher and stakeholder engagement for at least three (3) years;


All interested candidates should send their CV and a proof/sample of previous research via email at [email protected] më së voni deri më 12 November 2019. When sending the application, please add the subject line: Researcher for Diaspora Professionals Survey. Men and women are equally encouraged to apply for this position. Please note that only applicants that are shortlisted will be notified for an interview.