In Kosovo, voting from abroad is allowed for all types of elections. Non-resident citizens can vote by mail in Local or Central Elections, once they have successfully registered to vote at the Central Election Commission (CEC). However, although there is a large number of citizens living abroad and the interest to vote from abroad has increased over the years, their participation in the Kosovo Elections continues to be a complex process, followed by recurring problems. This analysis aims to address the obstacles in the external voting process and provides a detailed overview of all electoral operations within it. This factsheet presents the main data and results from the out-of-country voting during the last elections for the Assembly of Kosovo, held on February 14, 2021
Factsheet: Diaspora Voting in Kosovo Assembly Elections 2021
Date: 24/05/2021
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Diaspora4Innovation Project Factsheet
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Infographic: Invest in Prizren Research Study
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Më poshtë mund t’i shihni të vizualizuara përmes grafikeve të gjitha të dhënat bazuar nga hulumtimet në terren dhe intervistat me bizneset e Prizrenit.
Date: 31/01/2022
Factsheet – Remittances: Discussion series with the Albanian Diaspora
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As part of the Greenback 2.0 Diaspora Discussions, GERMIN hosted and hosted 6 meetings with members of the Albanian Diaspora from the United States of America, Germany, Italy, Greece, Switzerland and lastly on the International Day of Family Remittances with diaspora professionals from the finance sector from different countries. With the participation of over 200 members of the diaspora in ZOOM and 120 others through Facebook Livestream, the events brought together a large variety of members of the diaspora: individuals who work every day, professionals from the financial sectors, researchers, academics, businessmen, etc. Meetings were composed with national and diaspora stakeholders. The events took place from 18 December 2020 to 30 June 2021.
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