April 17, 2024

GERMIN Hosts Virtual Diaspora-Agribusiness Meeting

By Bublina Peni-3231 Views-No Comment

Today GERMIN hosted a virtual meeting titled ‘Exchange of Knowledge with Diaspora Professionals in the Agribusiness Sector.’ The goal was to connect Kosova’s agribusiness companies with diaspora experts to exchange information and share experiences.

In her opening remarks at the meeting, Sihana Bejtullahu, Co-Executive Director of GERMIN, highlighted the organization’s ongoing efforts. Specifically, she underscored the significance of engaging the diaspora not just for financial contributions, but also to leverage their substantial human capital. This involves actively involving diaspora professionals in the organization’s initiatives.

Fatlume Halili, Component Leader of the USAID Activity for workforce development through the private sector, emphasized the cooperation with GERMIN and the importance of the focus on workforce development in the private sector through the expertise, knowledge, and experience that diaspora experts bring.

The highlight of the meeting was a presentation titled “Private Label: Finding Markets for Local Companies to Meet European Demand for Kosova-Made Food Products.”

Led by Vjollca Misini Zabergja, Director of Strategic Projects at BU Food Solutions in the Netherlands, and Thëllanza Krasniqi, U.S.-based Legal Expert, the session provided invaluable insights and practical advice for propelling Kosova’s agribusiness sector forward.

The event concluded with an open discussion, during which participants and diaspora experts actively exchanged views, collaboratively tackled pressing questions, and collectively shared experiences.

This activity is implemented within the framework of the USAID Private Sector-led Workforce Development Activity financed by USAID Kosovo and implemented by IREX and GERMIN.